About Us
Smart Life-Saving Home is Specially Designed Mobile Living House Solution with Unique Combination of Style, Safety and Independence Features to Withstand Growing Power of Nature Hazards!
With this our Revolutionary Housing Solution in Association with Siemens - We are Trying to Help Affected Cities and Their Residents to be Well-Protected and Safe against any Similar Events in the Future!
Our Smart Life-Saving Home is divided into Separate Fully-Equipped Sections: Sleeping Section, Living/Playing Room, Kitchen and Food Store, Bathroom, Toilet, and Technical Room with Drinking Water Storage and Filtration, Usable Water Storage, Air Filtration with Telescopic Air Channel, El. Generator, Heating System and Radio Communication and GPS Tracker!
Design Options and Layout Solutions are Prepared Individually according to the Wishes and Needs of the Customer and according to the Specifics of the given territory.
We offer our Smart Customers a Complete Services, starting with Technical Solution Description, Price Calculation, Complete Smart Life-Saving Home Delivery, Fixing and Installation, follow-up with Area Weather Monitoring, Periodic Service and Maintenance Visits!
The entire system is implemented in the highest Quality Level. ISO 9001 Certification.
Worldwide Exhibitions
Distributors around the World
For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please fill out the following form
Head Office
Dukelská 110
742 42 Šenov u Nového Jičína
Czech Republic
Mobile: +420 777 960 560
To apply for a job, please send a cover letter together with your C.V.